Eki Labonye Lyrics (একি লাবণ্যে) | Rabindra Sangeet

Eki labonye Lyrics
লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ, প্রাণে এসো হে
একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ,
প্রাণে এসো হে
আনন্দ বসন্ত সমাগমে,
একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ, প্রাণে এসো হে।
বিকশিত প্রীতিকুসুম হে..
আনন্দ বসন্ত সমাগমে,
বিকশিত প্রীতিকুসুম হে.. এ..
বিকশিত প্রীতিকুসুম
পুলকিত চিতকাননে,
একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ,
প্রাণে এসো হে।।
জীবনলতা অবনতা তব চরণে,
জীবনলতা অবনতা তব চরণে
হরষগীত উচ্ছ্বসিত হে..
আনন্দ বসন্ত সমাগমে,
হরষগীত উচ্ছ্বসিত হে.. এ..
হরষগীত উচ্ছ্বসিত
কিরণমগন গগনে।
একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ,
প্রাণে এসো হে
আনন্দ বসন্ত সমাগমে,
একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ,
প্রাণে এসো হে।।
Meaning of the Eki Labonye Song
This song's lyrics brilliantly encapsulate the essence of nature and existence and extend an invitation to the whole spirit to partake in its bounty. The growing flowers of love represent the beauty and purity of emotions, while the spring season stands for fresh starts and the joy of life. The unceasing flow of life and the wealth of opportunities at our disposal are portrayed by the throbbing beat of creation.
The light's dispersed beams also stand in for the various routes we might travel through life and the horizons we can discover. The song's overarching theme is that we should embrace life with an open mind and heart since it is lovely and full of opportunity. Generations of Bengalis have been moved by the song's words and music, and its message of appreciating nature and life's beauty has struck a chord with many.
About the Author of the Song
Eki Labonye song is a Rabindra Sangeet which is sung by Lopamudra Mitra and musically created by Joy Sarkar. The same song is sung in different ways by several different artists, including Jayati Chakraborty, Kavita Krishnamurthy, Iman Chakraborty, Ajoy Chakraborty, Shaan, and Nachiketa Chakraborty.
The Bengali classic "Eki Labonye" by Rabindranath Tagore has had a profound influence on Bengali culture and society. The song is a part of Tagore's greater body of work, which focuses on spiritual, romantic, and natural themes. Classic instruments that are used in this song are Esraj,Tabla,Harmonium, Sarod,Flute.

Beyond its status as a cultural item, the song has an influence. People from many origins and cultures may relate to the song's theme of discovering happiness and purpose in life. It serves as a reminder of the value of appreciating the wonders of nature, welcoming fresh starts, and discovering love and kinship with others. "Eki Labonye" is an enduring song that has influenced Bengali culture and other cultures as well. Generations have been moved by its message of hope and optimism, and many people are still comforted and inspired by it today.
Drums : Sambit Chatterjee
Guitars : Sanjoy Das
Bass : Sankha Subhra Ghosh
Santoor : Sandip Chatterjee
Flute : Bubai Nandy
Programming : Debashish Shome
Chorus : Arijit, Sujoy, Swakshar, Joy, Sumana, Oliva, Anasmita, Sweta Recorded, Mixed and mastered by Goutam Basu at Studio Vibrations
Music video dierction and editing : Pritha Chakraborty
Choreography : Rhythmosaic Sengupta Dance Company
These are some various versions and adaptations of his songs on platform like YouTube. These are some links off the songs that have been provided here :