Ore Manwa Re Lyrics (ওরে মনওয়া রে) | Game | Arijit Singh

Ore manwa re lyrics
ওরে মনওয়া রে, ওরে মনওয়া রে
ওরে মনওয়া রে ক্যায়সা হ্যায় তু বাতা।
ও মন, হারিয়ে বসে আছি দেখ
প্রথমবারেরই দেখায়,
কত না হোলো তোলপাড়।
দু চোখ, দেখেছে তোকে আজ যেই,
হারিয়ে ফেলেছি খেই,
আমিও আমার কথা।
খেয়ালী দিন, মায়াবী রাত,
এক নিমেষে।
তাকালি তুই,আমি হঠাৎ,
অন্য দেশে ও ও .. মন,
হারিয়ে বসে আছি দেখ
প্রথমবারেরই দেখায়,
কত না হোলো তোলপাড়।
ওরে মনওয়া রে, ওরে মনওয়া রে
ওরে মনওয়া রে ক্যায়সা হ্যায় তু বাতা।
কথা আসে, চুপি চুপি,
যদি ঠোঁটের পাতায়
আমি রাজি, মেখে নিতে,
সে আরাম সারা গায়ে ও ও..
এসে গেলো, দিশেহারা,
কিছু ইচ্ছে দেদার
জমে থাকা ঘটনারা উঠে আসুক এবার।
ও মন হয়ে যা তুই আজ রাত,
সাজাবো তারায় তারায়,
নিজের হাতে তোকে .
ওরে মনওয়া রে, ওরে মনওয়া রে
ওরে মনওয়া রে ক্যায়সা হ্যায় তু বাতা ।
তোকে কেন, এত বাসি
আমি দারুণ ভালো।
কানে কানে বলে গেলি,
আমার মন পালালো..
কি কারণে, এত চাওয়া,
কিছু পাওয়া হলে হোক।
পড়ে আছে তুলে রাখা,
কিছু কুড়োনো পালক।
ও মন, বাড়ায় যদি আজ হাত,
চাইবো তোকেই হঠাৎ,
নেশাতে শেষ চুমুকে
ওরে মনওয়া রে, ওরে মনওয়া রে
ওরে মনওয়া রে ক্যায়সা হ্যায় তু বাতা।
About the Author of the Song
Ore Manwa Re song is from the 2014 Bengali film GAME . A lovely song performed by Arijit Singh and Akriti Kakkar. Jeet Ganguly wrote the music. Jeet and Subhashree did the casting. The movie was released on May 30, 2014.
The emotions of the song are perfectly captured by Arijit Singh and Akriti Kakar's singing. The singer's agony and desire are brilliantly captured by Arijit Singh's deep voice, which is nicely complemented by Akriti Kakar's delicate voice. Their harmonious vocal blending increases the song's overall emotional effect. The popularity of the song among listeners demonstrates its influence. Several people have remarked how the music has helped them deal with their emotions and found comfort in it through trying times. The song's effect and audience have been further increased by its inclusion in several films, TV series, and other forms of media.
Meaning of Ore Manwa Re Song
"Ore Manwa Re," a song about a person who has lost a loved one and is remembering the past, describes the feelings of that individual. The song is a gorgeous and lyrical portrayal of human emotions and the suffering caused by separation. The speaker's mental condition and desire to understand how their heart is feeling are discussed in the song's opening stanza. In the subsequent lines, the speaker is described as being alone and in quiet while being consumed by thoughts and recollections of the past.
In the second stanza, the speaker recalls the moment they first met their loved one and how they were astounded by their beauty. The next few sentences describe the moment the speaker's eyes met those of their loved one and how they both became completely absorbed in it.

The third verse describes how the speaker is consumed by thoughts of their loved one and how they envisage being with them once more, even if only for a little period of time. The next sentences describe how the speaker will do everything to be with their loved one and how much they want for their touch. The song's effect comes from its capacity to elicit feelings in the listener through its lovely melody, heartfelt lyrics, and the soulful singing of the two excellent vocalists.
Ultimately, "Ore Manwa Re" is a lovely and emotional song that has had a profound effect on listeners. It is a timeless classic because of the way that its melody, words, and vocals have affected so many people. The song's meditative atmosphere, engendered by its lulling tempo and melancholy tune, is ideal for considering the speaker's feelings. The words, with their profound significance, express the agony of separation, the desire to be with the loved one once more, and the hope that they will one day be reunited.
Song: Ore Manwa Re
Movie: GAME..He Plays To Win | Bengali Movie | Jeet,Subhashree
Singers: Arijit Singh and Akriti Kakkar
Starcast: Jeet, Subhashree
Director : Baba Yadav Music
Director: Jeet Gannguli
Screenplay & Dialogues : N.K Salil
Music Label : T-Series
These are some various versions and adaptations of his songs on platform like YouTube. These are some links off the songs that have been provided here :