Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi lyrics (খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি) | Lalon Shah

khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi Lyrics
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি
কেমনে আসে যায়।
তারে ধরতে পারলে মন বেড়ি,
ধরতে পারলে মন বেড়ি
দিতাম পাখির পায়ে।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
আট কুঠুরী নয় দরজা আটা
মধ্যে মধ্যে ঝরকা কাঁটা।
তার উপরে সদর কোঠা,
তার উপরে সদর কোঠা,
আয়না মহল তায়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
কপালের ফের নইলে কি আর
পাখিটির এমন ব্যবহার।
খাঁচা ভেঙ্গে পাখি আমার,
খাঁচা ভেঙ্গে পাখি আমার কোন খানে পালায়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
মন তুই রইলি খাঁচার আসে,
খাঁচা যে তোর কাঁচা বাঁশের।
কোন দিন খাঁচা পড়বে খসে,
কোন দিন খাঁচা পড়বে খসে
ফকির লালন কেঁদে কয়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভেতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
Meaning of the Song khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi
Khanchar bhitor ochin pakhi kemne Ashe jay is a figurative paradise that looks inside the layered, encrusted heart to see the beauty of a wandering spirit. The legendary Lalon Fakir wrote seamlessly during the late 1700s' magnificent and beautiful age.
“Khanchar Bhitor ochin Pakhi Kemne Ashe Jay”, which translates to "Unknown Bird in Cage which comes and goes," is the catchy first line of the song. The pulsing, enchanted soul is personified by the narrator as a bird that enters and exits a cage formed of the bones, ribs, and skin of a human body. The soul is a free, unrestricted and untied anatomy instead of being trapped like the other components of a human's physically.
"Tare dhorte parle mono, beri ditam pakhir paye" (if I could link it to my mind's chain, I would never let it go, yet how does it come in and out) is a proverb that means I'd never let it go. Here, the author discusses how, if he had a leash to attach to the soul, he would keep it attached to his body forever and always in order to safeguard it against all kinds of mental suffering and sorrows.
In "kuthuri noy, doroja ata, majhe moddhe jharka kanta, tar upore shodor kotha" there are eight rooms with nine doors, all of which are closed, and there is also a central yard on top of all of that. The eight chambers and nine doors that make up a person's physical body are described by the narrator in this passage. There are channels in the body's chambers that allow the soul to leave the physical realm and journey to the enigmatic world of dreams, ambitions, and love.
Eventually, the narrator explains how, despite having lived with the aim of encasing the soul, his intellect is as brittle as if it were constructed of frail materials. Lalon weeps in anguish because if it breaks and falls at any moment, the soul will be set free and floating.
Instruments used in the song khachar bhitor ochin pakhi (খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি)
- Guitar Played By- Bakhtiar Hossain
- Drums Played By- Mark Don
- Bass Player- BassBaba Sumon
- Mix and Mastered by- Fuad Al Muqtadir
About khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi song
In September 2017, a group of young, energetic, spiritually driven, and fun-loving musicians assembled for the first time in Chicago to perform the folk tunes from West Bengal and Bangladesh. It marked the start of "Ochin Pakhi" (অচিন পাখি).
The Bengali proverb "Ochin Pakhi" (Meaning, "The Unknown Bird") alludes to our heart and means "The Unknown Bird" in English. In one of his well-known songs, "Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi" (খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি), the famed Bengali philosopher, Baul monk, spiritual, composer, and social reformer Lalon Fakir (Shah) used this word for the first time.
All over the song is a perfect fusion of Rock and Folk which gives a pleasant feeling to its listener. The song also tells a story about the author, what he feels in him and how he can live forever by binding his soul to his body permanently. In everyday life we go through several ups and downs and experience several mental breakdowns and could not recover from it. The song similarly says how our soul leaves the body and it is impossible to get it back.
These are some various versions and adaptations of his songs on platform like YouTube. These are some links off the songs that have been provided here :